A collection of web development related tips, tricks and snippets that I wanted to remember for myself and share with others. Hopefully you find them as useful as I have.
Laravel + React
It's hard to beat Laravel for backend development and React is a force for front end development. Inertia.js is the little bridge flowing the traffic between the two. This YouTube series does a 🧨 job of explaining how to make it happen.
Utopia Font Scaling
An elegant way to scale fonts and spacing for responsive designs. A generated example with 8 scales
Flexbox text wrapping
A super flexy way to wrap button text when a row has multiple buttons/options.
No more containers
Tired of using containers and wrapper divs? Struggling with how to breakout sections that need to go wider than the container width? This video is 💰💰💰
Disable Craft Plugins
In Craft 4, the environmental config override for disabledPlugins
Gradient Borders Exploded
This was really cool demo on CSS gradient borders but the eye catcher is the 3d exploding layers. 2 🔥 tips for the price 1.
Tabular Numbers
If you're animating numbers, use this line of CSS
.numbers {
font-variant: tabular-nums;
It will make sure your numbers don't jump around like this 👍
For anyone who loves typography, this little gem 💎 from @mikemai2awesome is one of my favorites. Clear, concise, actionable, and beautifully designed:
Interface design
🔥 Design tip for developers
A good way to make your interface look “designed” is to use a consistent space scale
It's not art, it's science 🧬
With TailwindCSS this is so easy.
Gradient Border Effect
Really cool CSS gradient border effect I recreated after seeing it on the warp website. Props to Wes Bos for this one.
CSS Pie Chart
With a few simple lines of CSS you can create a beautiful 🥧 chart
#a78bfa 0deg 45deg,
#fb923c 45deg 90deg,
#a3e635 90deg 225deg,
#22d3ee 225deg 0deg
Spread Operator
The spread operator [...] is a handy way to convert iterable item(s) like strings, arrays and node lists into arrays. Converting node lists from querySelectorAll statements into arrays is 🌶️